Should I learn Go Lang?
- 4 minsI have spent many years in top tech companies working in C programming language. The C language is like a carving knife: simple, sharp, and extremely useful in skilled hands. Like any sharp tool, C can injure people who don’t know how to handle it.
I have seen countless bugs due to this programming language’s common mistakes & pitfalls. Not to mention I also had some nightmares whenever a major feature was released.
Once I was introduced to Golang. I was relieved and amazed at how simple this programming language is and how it has removed all those common mistakes & pitfalls.
Golang, or Go, is a popular programming language used by many top tech companies.
Some interesting concepts in Golang
Here I would like to introduce you to some of the most important features of the language, mainly:
- Closures
- Test code
- Interface
- Map
- Package module
- Defer
- Functions as arguments
- Methods
- Pointers
- Channel
- Goroutines
Code Blocks
messages := make(chan string) messages <- "ping"
func f(input string) { } func main() { go f("goroutine") }
func intSeq() func() int { i := 0 return func() int { i++ return i } }
Test code
func IntMin(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b } func TestIntMinBasic(t *testing.T) { ans := IntMin(2, -2) if ans != -2 { t.Errorf("IntMin(2, -2) = %d; want -2", ans) } }
type geometry interface { area() float64 perim() float64 }
Map or Dictionary
m := make(map[string]int) m["k1"] = 7 m["k2"] = 13
Package module
File greetings.go package greetings import "fmt" func Hello(name string) string { return message }
func main() { f := createFile("/tmp/defer.txt") defer closeFile(f) writeFile(f) }
Functions as arguments (1st class citizens)
func makeHandler(fn func (http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, string)) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { } }
type rect struct { width, height int } func (r *rect) area() int { return r.width * r.height } func (r rect) perim() int { return 2*r.width + 2*r.height }
func zeroptr(iptr *int) { *iptr = 0 }
Coming back to the question “Should I learn Go Lang?” I recommend that one should learn what they plan to use. Go was made by Google and is primarily used in areas where Google needed a better language. That mostly means server programming. Go is a mainstream language for all backend programming.
Next Steps
Try the below resources, play with this language, and have fun.
Web Resources:
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